99Blocks Wikia

Welcome to the 99Blocks Wikia[]

This is the official Wikia page for the 99Blocks Minecraft server.

Read through to find out details on the plugins we use, the players & builders and all the projects & locations that the server plays host to.

Server Rules & Guidelines[]

We try and provide as open and fair a gaming experience as possible on the server but it is a public forum and so we have to put a few rules & guidelines in place to make sure everything flows smoothly!

General Server - Rules & Guidelines

Player Builds - Rules & Guidelines

Community Builds - Rules & Guidelines

Public Transport - Rules & Guidelines

Top useful Commands for Players[]

These commands are entered into the chat window and require the / in front of them every time.

/sethome - [Sets your spawn location to where you are currently standing. Note that this occurs automatically when you sleep in a bed]

/home - [Teleports you to your Home location as set by /sethome]

/warps - [Lists all available warp locations that are open to the player]

/Back - [Takes the player to his/her previous location before the last teleport/warp/death occurred]

/mypet - [Brings up the command list for the MyPet Plugin]

/mail - [Can be used to check intra-server mail as well as send messages and empty your mailbox]

/dynmap webregister - [The most useful command for players that want to access the 99blocks Dynmap through their web browser]

/afk - [Simply sets the player as AFK so that they are safe from harm and others are aware of their situation]

/quests - [Brings up a list of all available quests for the player] (Not yet implemented)

/mcmmo help - [Brings up a list of all the commands for the McMMO Plugin]

Player Ranks[]

We are currently implementing a player Ranks system that will be explained once it is fully working.

This system will only use four ranks; Player, Builder, Admin & OP

Wikia Pages[]

Plugins - A list of all the plugins we use and links to explanations of how they work

Worlds - A list of all the worlds that are linked through Multiverse on the Server

Locations - Key locations on the Server

Staff & Players - The low-down on our staff and major players

Discord - Learn all about how to use the voice and text chat functions on our Discord Server

Latest activity[]

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